Henderson Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

When a car accident involves a pedestrian, the results can be deadly. After all, the situation involves a vehicle weighing thousands of pounds colliding with an unprotected person. Additionally, the at-fault driver’s insurance company may try to deny a rightful claim or attempt to prove the pedestrian is responsible for the accident. If you find yourself in this type of situation then contact a Henderson pedestrian accident lawyer from Lerner and Rowe today.

Due to this type of behavior from defendants and their insurance companies, accident victims will need the legal aid of a Henderson personal injury attorney to get fair compensation. If you or someone you care about has been hit by a motorist while walking then read on to learn about your legal options.

Henderson pedestrian accident

Common Causes of Pedestrian Accidents

Drivers have a responsibility to share the roads with pedestrians, but unfortunately, many do not take this responsibility seriously enough. When a car collides with an unprotected pedestrian, more than likely, the pedestrian will fare much worse than the driver.

If a motorist causes an accident then they should be held liable for their actions. If a motorist crashes into a pedestrian under any of the following circumstances, a Henderson pedestrian accident lawyer may be able to hold them liable in court:

  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol (impaired driving)
  • Distracted driving
  • Driving without a license or a suspended license
  • Reckless driving or speeding
  • Running a red light or stop sign

If the motorist hits a child or disabled individual then they will be held to higher standards in terms of responsibility. Since children lack the ability to make the same safety decisions as adults, individuals can be tried if a child is hit while not following pedestrian laws.

A Henderson Pedestrian Accident Lawyer Can Establish Liability

When it comes to establishing liability in a pedestrian accident case, the court will have ultimate authority.

Contrary to popular belief, courts do not always find the driver of the motor vehicle liable, especially when the pedestrian does not follow basic laws and rules. Like drivers, pedestrians are required to follow certain laws, which reduce the possibility they will be involved in an accident.

pedestrian engages in the following behaviors, they may not be liable for compensation:

  • Not crossing the street at a crosswalk
  • Crossing the street before the signal changes
  • Walking in front of a vehicle while not paying attention

Depending on the circumstances of the case, the court can find the driver and the pedestrian at equal fault, or if the pedestrian committed one of the acts above, the pedestrian can be held fully liable. Before filing a case, it is important for accident victims to consult a Henderson pedestrian accident attorney.

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Possible Compensation for Injuries

Pedestrians are at a distinct disadvantage when it comes to accidents, and often, they sustain serious injuries that require extensive medical care. Many of these injuries such as broken bones, cuts and lacerations, and concussions can be debilitating, and some such as internal bleeding and brain trauma can even be deadly.

For this reason, accident victims and/or family caretakers should hire a Henderson accident lawyer to help the injured receive compensation for pain and suffering. The compensation they receive can also be used to cover living expenses, long-term therapy, and medical bills.

Contact a Henderson Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

If you are the victim of an accident then contact Lerner and Rowe today to get the compensation that you deserve for your injuries and trauma. You have a limited amount of time to file a personal injury lawsuit, so hiring an experienced Henderson pedestrian accident lawyer will be to your advantage. Our team is available 24/7 to begin your free consultation. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by contacting us today.

You can reach Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys by phone at 702-877-1500. If you prefer getting in touch online, we have LiveChat agents standing by or you can leave your information using our convenient form. Lerner and Rowe has recovered more than $2-billion for our clients, including more than $1-billion in the last five years. For experienced and compassionate attorneys that have been trusted by more than 120,000 clients, Lerner and Rowe is the way to go.