Springfield Personal Injury Lawyer

If you have suffered an injury at no fault of your own, a Springfield personal injury lawyer is ready to help you stand up to insurance companies and receive any financial compensation that you may be entitled to receive. However, you will need to take the first step, which is setting up a free case evaluation and consultation with Lerner and Rowe.

During your free case evaluation, your attorney will hear your story and listen to the details of your case with an experienced ear. You’ll then learn more about the next steps to take if you have a valid claim that could result in potential compensation. If you do, you may be entitled to financial compensation for your medical bills, lost time off work, and more. 

To set up your free consultation, call us at 708-222-2222, fill out this FREE online form, or text via LiveChat.

Why You Need a Personal Injury Attorney After an Accident in Springfield

After a personal injury in Springfield occurs, the victim must go through countless doctor visits, procedures, and even surgeries. Often, they cannot return to work for some time, and have to use up hard-earned savings to fill in the gaps. 

When you work with a Springfield  personal injury lawyer at Lerner and Rowe, our dedicated legal team knows how to recover maximum compensation for your injuries and losses.  With financial compensation, you’ll be able to pay for pending medical bills and other injury-related expenses.

Free Case Review

Springfield Personal Injury Practice Areas at Lerner and Rowe

Contact Lerner and Rowe’s Springfield, Illinois lawyers if you or a loved one were injured in one of the following accidents:

Even if you were harmed by a defective product or dangerous drug, we can help you. Just let us know what your injuries are and the circumstances surrounding them at your free case evaluation.

What Is My Injury Claim Worth?

Your injury claim’s worth depends on the severity of your injury and the effect it will put on the rest of your life. In other words, someone who suffered a concussion during a slip and fall may receive less than someone who suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).

Other common Springfield accident-related injuries include:

  • Broken bones
  • Vision loss
  • Puncture wounds
  • Cuts and lacerations
  • Bruising 
  • Burns
  • Disfigurement
  • Loss of limbs
  • Spinal injuries
  • Whiplash
Springfield personal injury lawyer

We know how multiple injuries can affect your life, and we know the best tactics to get you what you’re owed. That’s why, if you suffered more than one injury, we strongly encourage you to work with an experienced lawyer to maximize your settlement amount.

What Is the Time Limit for Filing a Springfield Injury Claim?

The time limit for filing a personal injury claim in Springfield is called the statute of limitations. In Illinois, you may have between one to two years from the date of your car, bike, truck, slip and fall, or other type of accident to file a personal injury claim. It greatly depends on the laws of the jurisdiction and the nature of the claim.

That is why it is best to get the process started right away so that you can focus on recovery sooner- and potentially get the amount you are owed faster.

Why It’s Important to Work with a Springfield Personal Injury Lawyer

After an accident in Springfield, you have a million different factors to consider. Right now, you may be wondering: 

  • How will you work? 
  • How will you recover? 
  • How will you keep up on your house and car payments, if you have to cover medical bills?
  • What do you have to learn about the law to build an effective personal injury case on your own?

At Lerner and Rowe, the most valuable non-legal service we provide is carrying the emotional burden for our clients so that they can focus on returning to their former quality of life. That starts with trust- a trust that’s built during your consultation and cultivated with excellent 24/7 communications.

Types of Springfield Personal Injury Claim Compensation

When you file your personal injury claim in Springfield, there are two different kinds of compensation you might receive. The first are economic damages. Economic damages are concrete and include coverage for medical bills, lost time off work, surgeries, prescription drug costs, and more.

Conversely, non-economic damages could include pain and suffering, mental anguish, loss of companionship, and others. An attorney from Lerner and Rowe will understand how to calculate non-economic damages, and do everything they can so that you are given every penny that you are owed.

Contact a Top Springfield Personal Injury Lawyer Near Me

To potentially maximize the amount of compensation you are owed, call Lerner and Rowe’s Springfield offices at 708-222-2222. You can also fill out this FREE online form or text through LiveChat

We charge no fees until we win your case, and stand up to tough insurance companies who go out of their way to undervalue your claim. So, don’t let the statute of limitations pass by- set up your free case evaluation today.